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Introducing... the Comfort Shim Kit for Amputees! A collection of shims and accessories developed by one of the owners of GINDOR to help amputees bring comfort to their everyday walk in life. With his experience as an amputee and with the materials he works with daily in his business, the Comfort Shim Kit came to exist. Made of abrasion resistant materials in various thicknesses, these quality shims are only available from GINDOR, Inc.
Announcing: "ASTM F 2878-10 - Standard Test Method for Protective Clothing Material Resistance to Hypodermic Needle Puncture." GINDOR, Inc. is the only worldwide approved supplier of material for this test.
For More information, please visit our Medical page.
GINDOR QUALITY POLICY: "GINDOR, Inc. is committed to quality management, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction creating a basis for attaining mutual objectives and growth with our customers."
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